It started with an idea: for people with disability to have more choice and control over their lives, and to be supported to reach their goals. A conversation which was decades in the making, finally became reality in 2013 when the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was announced; and today it services almost 650,000 people.
Whether you’ve just received your first NDIS package, or you are about to renew your current Plan, all NDIS users are trying to stay across the ever-changing program and the eligible supports. With more legislative changes flagged for this year, we’re breaking down the NDIS basics for you below.
What is the NDIS?
The NDIS is a funding model for people with disability in Australia. People are assessed on an individual basis and given a funding package which they can use to receive support and undertake activities or therapies.
The main purpose of the NDIS is to remove barriers previously experienced by people with disability in all facets of life – in their home, in the community and in the workplace.
An NDIS funding package is delivered directly to the individual for them to self-manage or elect to manage with a registered company. Link: How the NDIS works | NDIS
Fundamentally, an NDIS package aims to be the gateway for people with disability to live a comfortable, rewarding and empowering life which they control. It puts people at the disability at the driver’s seat. They choose what care or support is important for them, and they have the choice of who delivers it.
What does the NDIS cover?
Each NDIS package is different and can be updated every year to meet the changing requirements of the person. Your plan one year, may likely be different to your plan the following year, because the NDIS is a flexible support system which adapts to your needs.
To be funded by the NDIS, a service must be considered “reasonable and necessary”. [Reasonable and necessary supports | NDIS]
An NDIS package can cover support for almost every aspect of a person’s life, including: (these could be icons maybe?)
- Support at home – domestic duties, food preparation
- Personal care – showering, dressing, wound care
- Support in the community – going out, social events or centre-based programs, and employment
- Therapies – allied health therapies and other healthcare supports
- Housing – access to disability housing options or respite care
- Hobbies and activities –
- Transport – for getting to and from appointments, or accessibility updates to a vehicle
- Equipment – aides and devices, including communication devices and mobility supports
The service range of a NDIS package is very broad. Here is a full list of the things covered by the NDIS [Supports funded by the NDIS | NDIS].
How to get the most out of your NDIS package
Whether you are receiving your first Plan or you have had one for years, you’ll still likely have questions about how to get the most out of your NDIS package. The NDIS is constantly growing and changing, so it’s important to stay on top of the changes to ensure you optimise your plan.
Here are some tips and things to consider:
- Work with a trusted registered provider
Trusted providers are across the changes to the NDIS funding, so they’ll be able to ensure your Plan is working for you. At Focused Health Care, we take the time to understand you and your goals so we can best implement your Plan to ensure you are getting the services you need and using your money effectively. Call us today to speak to one of our friendly team about maximising your NDIS plan.
- Be clear in your goals for the year Setting goals | NDIS
When you renew your plan each year, you can change or amend your goals. It can be helpful to write some ideas down before your plan meeting. And once you’ve decided on those goals, you could put them up on the wall or in the Notes section of your phone. This can help if you need to make decisions about your services throughout the year as a reminder of what you’re working towards.
- Think big and try new things
When you’re setting your goals, we recommend thinking big. Don’t think about what’s possible for right now but think about what you’d like to be possible in the future and this should be your goal. If you don’t think that goal is achievable in the year, that’s okay, write it down anyway and use your Plan to work towards it.
- Find other support providers or services
You’d be surprised at how many registered NDIS service providers are out there, or what you could be using your NDIS funding for. There are art programs, social groups, employment support, specialised therapies and equipment which can all qualify under the NDIS. If you have a support team you can trust, they can help you with understanding your plan and how to successfully use it to suit your needs.
Working with Focused Health Care
At Focused Health Care, we want to be part of your NDIS journey. Whether you’ve just received a diagnosis and are navigating your first NDIS Plan, or you’re ready to renew your Plan after being part of the NDIS for years; we’re here to help.
Think of us as your trusted advisor. We can provide the support you need, and the advice you’re looking for while navigating the ever-changing NDIS.
Contact our friendly team today to have a chat .
* All information is general and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Focused Health Care can consult with you regarding your individual health needs.