
Diabetes and wound care: a comprehensive overview

There’s arguably nothing more painful than accidentally kicking your shin against the coffee table or stubbing your toe on the side of the couch. Sometimes you’re lucky to get away with just a few minutes of pain, but if the accident causes an open wound, it’s important to take care of it.

For people with diabetes, wounds like this require more attention and care than for a person without diabetes. Because diabetes is more than just managing blood sugars. We know diabetic patients are particularly prone to skin issues and wounds, so in this month’s blog we explore the importance of quality wound care and preventing complications.

Protecting your skin

We often forget skin is the largest organ in our body, and it does an important job everyday to keep us healthy. It’s why protecting our skin is incredibly important for everyone, and even more so for people with diabetes.
Some things you can do to protect your skin include:

  • Find a good moisturiser. This doesn’t have to be an expensive one. Most sorbelene creams will do a great job, so speak to your chemist about finding one which is right for you.
  • Moisturise daily. Once you’ve got a great moisturiser, use it daily, and even more during colder months or when you notice your skin is getting dry. One of the best times to do this is directly after taking a shower as exposure to water can dry out your skin.
  • Use warm water in the shower instead of hot water.
  • Find a ph balanced soap to reduce any risk of your skin drying out

Managing wounds

We all get cuts and wounds from time to time, but when you are living with diabetes, you are at a higher risk of infection and wound complications [2].
If you do sustain a wound, ask yourself these questions:

  • Did you lose consciousness as a result of the accident? If yes, seek medical attention immediately.
  • Can you control the bleeding? If not, you need to see a doctor.
  • Is the wound weeping or producing an odour? If it is, you’ll need to seek medical attention to check it’s not infected.

If your wound is only impacting the first layer of your skin, the bleeding can be controlled and you feel otherwise well within yourself, you can likely manage the wound from home.
You should:

  • Cleanse the wound with an antiseptic wash to reduce the risk of infection
  • Cover the wound with an appropriate dressing

Our team of qualified registered nurses can help with in-home care of wounds and overall diabetes management. Contact us today to see how we can help you.

At-home diabetes management

When you do sustain a wound, it’s important to care for it regularly and hygienically at home. This can reduce the risk of infection and promote faster healing.

If you don’t feel confident managing your wounds at home on your own, you could:

  • Ask your GP for support. GPs can help with wound cleaning and care.
  • Engage with an in-home diabetes support services team like Focused Health Care. With a dedicated team of registered nurses, they understand wound management for diabetic patients.

Why work with Focused Health Care?

Focused Health Care is proudly run by a team of dedicated registered nurses who understand the importance of quality diabetes care at home. Our team has seen the ongoing benefits of receiving care in the space you feel most comfortable, which is why we deliver the highest level of healthcare in your home.

We work with patients who have diabetes to understand how to manage your condition, how to protect your skin and how to treat wounds when they do occur. We are qualified diabetes carers and can also provide wound care and management to prevent infection and promote fast healing.

Our team know diabetes is more than just managing blood sugar levels and our decades of experience allow us to ensure your health outcomes are prioritised. Always.

*All information is general and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Focused Health Care can consult with you regarding your individual health needs.


Diabetes Australia, Healthy Skin and Diabetes, 13 June 2024, Healthy Skin and Diabetes | Diabetes Australia
Diabetes Australia, A practical guide to wound care, 13 June 2024, A practical guide to wound care | Diabetes Australia

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