Home is the place where you feel most at home, where you can be yourself and have things arranged the way you like.
That’s true whatever your age. You might think of in-home care as something for older people who have become infirm but aren’t yet ready for a nursing home.
But in-home care is so much broader than that. It’s not ‘just for old people’. It could be a great option for you if you’re a youth or adult living with a disability.
Not sure? Here are 9 benefits of in-home disability care.
1. It broadens your living options
In-home care gives you more choice of where to live. Residential care or ongoing reliance on your family are not the only options anymore.
You might decide to live with friends. You might move in with your partner. You might choose to live alone.
The point: you can choose. In-home care gives you that choice.
2. It saves your energy
Living with a disability can drain your energy. When your energy is precious, you don’t want to waste it on household chores.
Cleaning, shopping, cooking, folding the laundry…your in-home carer can do all that.
In-home care lets you save your energy for the things you enjoy, the pursuits that make you come alive and which give you a sense of purpose.
It also gives you more energy for the people you love. You’ll be able to accept more invitations, go to more parties, enjoy more dinner dates when someone else is taking care of household chores.
3. Maintaining your appearance
In-home care makes it easier to shower regularly, wear fresh clothes, have good oral hygiene and style your hair.
That makes you look and feel good. It makes you more confident as you engage in your work, studies and social life.
4. Home maintenance
Nobody’s home is in perfect condition. Light globes need changing, floorboards become uneven, gutters leak.
Trying to fix all that yourself can be risky if you have a disability. Injuries can have serious consequences.
Your in-home carer probably won’t climb a ladder and clean out your gutters. But they will help to arrange tradies to come and keep your place well maintained.
5. Aids and equipment
In-home carers can see where things are difficult for you and can often recommend aids or equipment to make life easier. They’re also familiar with your home environment, able to see where the risks are and recommend home modifications to make your home safer.
6. Pet care
Got a furry friend? Pets can improve both physical and mental health. But they do take a lot of looking after.
Changing the kitty litter, cleaning out the rabbit hutch, grooming the dog. These are things your in-home carer can do, freeing you up to enjoy time with your pet.
7. Health appointments
When you’ve got a disability, you’ve got a team of doctors, nurses, therapists you see on a regular basis. In-home carers can help you keep track of your appointments, follow the treatment plan you’ve been given and take your medications on time.
8. Upscaling when needed
At times, you might need more support for a season. If you’ve been ill, had surgery or developed complications, you may need a higher level of care.
In-home care can be upgraded to round-the-clock in-home nursing care when needed. Once you improve, it can be gradually downgraded again.
9. Maintaining independence
There’s a common thread to all these things. In-home care helps maintain your independence. It can also reassure your parents or wider family that you’re OK and you’ve got the support you need.
How can Focused Health Care help?
If you have a disability, then we encourage you to get an NDIS Plan. If that plan includes in-home care, then we’re here for you.
We provide a range of in-home care services for people with disabilities including:
- Cleaning
- Pet care
- Shopping
- Meal preparation
- Arranging home maintenance and minor repairs
- Helping you shower, wash your hair and dress
- Connecting you to our network of allied health professionals
- Helping you follow care plans (like doing your physio exercises)
- Helping you get to social get-togethers.
If you’re looking for in-home disability care in Brisbane or Townsville, we encourage you to contact us.
All information is general in nature.